In any event, during that time, I acquired a number of issues of Boys' Life, the official Boy Scouts magazine. (I don't recall how I got them, but I know I didn't have a subscription, as I only had a smattering of non-consecutive issues. I suspect one of my parents came across them in a library sale or something.) I remember very little about the magazines -- I think the articles were skewed for an older audience than me at the time. But I do remember they had some comics in there. I recall some of the Pee Wee Harris stories (one in particular stands out -- where Pee Wee is introduced to a ham radio operator) and I know I skipped over the Bible tales. But I also vaguely recall a comic book version of Samuel Youd's The Tripods series. (Written under the pen name "John Christopher.")
Actually, I didn't know it as The Tripods since I started somewhere in the middle, and only knew it as "The City of Gold and Lead" -- the second story in the series. I remember being deeply intrigued by what little I had read and being frustrated that I couldn't read the complete story. There seems to be very little info about the comic adaptation online. It was serialized from 1981 until 1986, drawn by Frank Bolle but inked and colored by an uncredited artist. It has never been reprinted or collected in any form.
That's about all I know. So how about I present you with the entire first story, "The White Mountains." The scans were taken from Google Books' Boys' Life collection, and 'colated' by The Haunted Closet.

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