Comics Art Against Project 2025

By | Tuesday, October 22, 2024 Leave a Comment
Every single aspect of life, for the vast majority of Americans, got demonstrably and objectively worse when Donald Trump was President. It will take decades to recitfy the damage he inflicted, if it's even possible to repair it all. If he manages to get back into the White House, I firmly believe that will be the end of the United States as a viable country. It'll remain around in name for a while, but it absolutely will not be a United States that anyone recognizes.

The country was only able to avoid more damage during Trump's presidency because he's an idiot. He had no real plan, and his goals were all very selfishly short-term. But there's a group that supports his racist, sexist, only-benefits-the-super-wealthy agenda who have put together a very comprehensive plan that outlines, step by step, how a second Trump presidency will go. If you're not familiar, it's called Project 2025 and it reads like someone read Brave New World and 1984 and Farenheit 451, thought those were all great ideas, and figured out how to make them happen. It paints a mind-boggingly dystopian view of the country if it's able to be enacted.

And yes, I know that absolutely sounds like fear-mongering on my part. But, as I said, Trump's presidency did (and continues to do) all the damage many of us predicted it would; everyone who warned you back then was absolutely right and was absolutely not exaggerating. And that was Trump without a plan.

So what exactly is this Project 2025? Well, so you don't have to read through it yourself, a number of cartoonists have gotten together to spell out in real terms the different aspects of the document. They've read it, and created a series of comics showing exactly what it's proposing. They think that if people are familiar with what the plan actually outlines, it will encourage them to vote against Trump. This won't have an impact on racist asshats who are willing to throw themselves under the bus if it means sticking it to whichever racial or ethnic groups they loathe with every fiber of their being, of course, but for it should motivate any normal, not-full-of-bile-and-hate fucktards to get out and vote. Here's what the cartoonists have to say...
Project 2025, also known as “Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise,” is a document created to be a roadmap for a second Donald Trump presidency. It was prepared by the ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation and many former Trump staffers–those who didn’t leave in disgrace, quit in disgust, or narrowly avoid getting hanged by his mob.

Trump claims to know nothing about it. He’s lying. And if elected, Trump’s lack of self-discipline and fathomless self-absorption means that the people he surrounds himself with will have free rein to enact Project 2025’s agenda.

So we’ve made comics to explain some of that agenda, and move you to vote against it. We did this because you shouldn’t have to read this monstrosity. After all, it’s more than fifty times as long as the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution… combined.

Our two founding documents are short because it doesn’t take a lot of words to say “You matter, and you have a voice.”

Project 2025 is longer because it’s a detailed plan to shut you up, and shut you out.

Don’t let it do either.

Read on, then vote.
There are any number of cartoonists who've already contributed. Folks like Denys Cowan, Scott Dunbier, Kieron Dwyer, Matt Fraction, Greg Pak, Greg Rucka, Gene Ha, Jen Van Meter, Rick Veitch, and Shannon Wheeler to name a very few. If you're not familiar with Project 2025, read what these cartoonists are highlighting about it. If you are familiar with Project 2025, read the comics anyway because they're good comics by talented people.
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