Newsstand Photos

By | Wednesday, October 05, 2022 1 comment
So you're traipsing around the Internet and at a loss for something to look up. Try this as a challenge for your comic book sensibilities...

Find an old photograph of a newsstand... Then, see if you can figure out when it might have been taken based on the comic books displayed. In the above photo, for example, one can discern More Fun Comics #48 and All-American Comics #8, cover dated October and November 1939 respectively...

Here's another shot of the store's interior... Hanging up and clearly visible are: Hit Comics #11 (May 1941), Big 3 #2 (Spring 1941), Champ Comics #13 (May 1941), All-American Comics #25 (April 1941), World's Best Comics #1 (Spring 1941), Superman #10 (May/June 1941), Action Comics #35 (April 1941), All-Star Comics #4 (March/April 1941), Master Comics #13 (April 1941), and Blue Beetle #6 (March/April 1941)...

Curiously, it appears that hiding behind the gumball machine is Batman #4 (Winter 1941) instead of #5 (Spring 1941)...
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Anonymous said...

There's an episode of The Naked City (Season 4, Ep 1, "Hold For Gloria Christmas" Sep 19th, 1962), filmed in NYC and the Newsstand they use as a backdrop in one scene prominently features both Amazing Fantasy #15 and the JIM introducing Thor. If you Google it there's screenshots available.