Less Than Two Weeks Away!

By | Monday, June 15, 2020 Leave a Comment
Webcomics cover
We are less than two weeks away from the official publication date of my book, Webcomics! The official release date is June 25 (for both the US and UK!) and it's already available in the Bloomsbury Collections eBook library!

Tom Spurgeon had the chance to read it shortly before he passed away, and had this to say...
I've always been a great fan of Sean Kleefeld's writing: its clarity, its circumspection, and the measured quality of his tone. Kleefeld is an ideal writer to chronicle the rise of modern webcomics. He patiently explores not just the nascent realities of an industry in flux but all of the roads not taken, all of the false starts and dead ends, with the perspicacity an unformed future demands. In Kleefeld's hands, defining what comics looks like today is less a sorting out process for the ages than a mad crash down a steep hill hoping to scoop up some village's bouncing wheel of cheese set loose on the valley below. By the time you're through, you'll know just what set of circumstances won the day, and what set didn't and what might be yet to come. The longer you take to find and read your own copy is the amount of time I get to be smarter than you.
I would've loved to have talked with him in person about it. He always had an astute view of the comics industry as a whole, and I can't tell you what it means to me that Tom liked it. I still miss him.

But I still like talking about webcomics with everybody! If you're interested in talking with me, I'd be happy to chat! I'm open to interviews, podcasts, AMAs... whatever outlet where you've got a webcomics-interested audience! (Which, frankly, should be ANY audience! If you're online, you're probably reading webcomics whether you know it or not!) Shoot me an email at sean@seankleefeld.com and we'll get the details sorted! I've spent a LOT of time thinking and writing about webcomics, and I'd love to share what I've discovered with everybody!
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