When a Library Isn't a Library

By | Monday, March 30, 2020 1 comment
Ghost-Spider #6
Brewster Kahle, founder of the Internet Archive, posted an announcement late last week in response to so many people being stuck at home because of the pandemic. It reads, in part: "Today, the Internet Archive is working with hundreds of public, school and university libraries to digitize their core collections and make them freely available over the Internet... This week, the Internet Archive created a National Emergency Library of 1.4 million digitized books to serve the needs of students, educators and learners who can now access them from home." Clicking over to this so-called National Emergency Library, the only real explanation reads, in total: "Announcing the National Emergency Library, a collection of books that supports emergency remote teaching, research activities, independent scholarship, and intellectual stimulation while universities, schools, training centers, and libraries are closed."

All of this sounds very good and altruistic. Except maybe it isn't. Not exactly anyway. I'll let Hugo and Nebula award winner and writer of things like Marvel's Ghost-Spider, Seanan McGuire, explain...

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Matt K said...

Holy crap this sucks. I love the Internet Archive, I donate to them. But this is abhorrent.