Top 5 Webcomics You Missed LAST Week!

By | Monday, September 30, 2013 2 comments
Well, my final Webcomics column for MTV Geek isn't going up (since, you know, they closed it down) so I figured I'd run it here...
As ever, the world of webcomics provides a wide variety of topics and themes to work with in any given week. From potty humor to a serious look at bullying!

5. Tears of the Dragon: Return to the Loo!
Tears of the Dragon has been a good fantasy comic that's been running for a few years under the direction of Tyler James and Koko Amboro. The strip has been on hiatus since March and just returned this week. Which would normally warrant a higher ranking than five, but they kicked off their return in the toilet!

4. Shadowbinders: The Fire Lion!
Trying to save them from attackers, Crimson Rhen tries creating a fire lion based n a dream. Not only is it pretty flashy (his words), evidently, it's pretty effective too. Creators Thomas and Kambrea Pratt are promising a return to more regular updates as well now that they've got some extra freelance work out of the way.

3.  Perils on Planet X: Escape!
Perils on Planet X is something of an old school serial in the vein of John Carter and Flash Gordon, coming to readers by way of  creators Christopher Mills & Gene Gonzales. Don Hawke has been looking for his chance to escape essentially from the outset of the story, and it looks like this may be it. More pulp style adventures await!

2. Albert the Alien: Victory = Lunch!
Naturally, when Albert brings his alien-style lunch to school, things go a bit south. He does manage to put things right and saves the school once again. All is right in the world. Or is it? Creators Trevor Mueller and Gabriel Bautista Jr. also provide us with a peek in the principal's office to find out!

1. The Bully's Bully: Losing by Winning!
Bullying is obviously something that no one wants to be the victim of. It's a topic that's been getting increased media attention in recent years and Courtney Huddleston and James Taylor have begun a webcomic about one normal girl who tries to stand up to bullies of any sort. She's not able to help much in this latest fight, but provides enough inspiration to convince the victim to stand up for himself. But we see, very powerfully, how painful that can be even when you do "win" against a set of bullies.
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Thanks so much for the shoutout! Sorry to hear about MTV Geek. It was a great blog, and it'll be missed. Good luck on your future endeavors!

Thom Pratt

Thanks for the well wishes. I'm just sorry I couldn't highlight more webcomics during my time at MTVG.