The first "uniform" the team wore was actually the flight suits they had on during their exposure to cosmic rays in Fantastic Four #1. Although the actual comic itself depicts the colors as being blue with white highlights, every retelling and reprint since then has presented them as purple and blue. |
This is generally considered the "classic" FF uniform. It was designed by
Susan Richards (then Storm) and debuted in Fantastic Four #3. |
The Thing was uncomfortable in his original costume, so by
Fantastic Four #4, he had trimmed it down to only include shorts, a belt and boots. |
Still somewhat uneasy, Ben eliminated the use of boots in Fantastic Four #5 and spent much of his time in what is considered his classic outfit. |
In Strange Tales #106, Johnny
briefly joined forces with The Acrobat to
discover -- and thwart -- his plans. This costume was designed and given to
by The Acrobat. |
borrowed this costume from Nick Fury in Strange Tales #127 to
conceal his identity from
and Johnny during
an impromptu training exercise. |
In Fantastic Four #68, Susan
played a little with her original costume
design to better accomodate her pregnancy. She wore this only briefly before
taking a temporary leave of absence from the group. |
After a devastating battle against Omega,
used Inhuman technology to give himself a
new uniform design in Fantastic Four #132. It's clearly an amalgam of his former uniform
and the costume worn
by the original android Human Torch. |
After Ben
was transformed back to his human form,
need a replacement member
until he could complete Ben's
exoskeleton. Power-Man
was hired in Fantastic Four
#168, but kept his existing costume while he was with the group. |
After losing his powers, Reed
Richards was unwittingly duped into helping Dr. Doom capture the
other members of the Fantastic Four. To that end, he donned the Invincible Man costume in
Fantastic Four #196. Interestingly, an alternate reality
donned the costume in
Fantastic Four #388, calling himself the Dark Raider. |
Returning from the Negative
Zone in Fantastic Four #256, the Fantastic Four found
that their costumes had become 'negative' versions of their originals. |
After dating Johnny
for some time, Frankie
Raye discovered that she also had
similar powers. Her stepfather, Thomas Horton, created this uniform for
her shortly after she gained her powers in a lab accident and used hypnosis
to make her forget the incident. When
Frankie was asked to join the
FF in Fantastic Four #239, she simply continued to wear the outfit. |
Helping Spider-Man teach some kids a lesson in Peter Parker, Spectacular Spider-Man #103,
briefly claimed the identity of Blaze. |
In the last issue of Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars,
Ben wished to stay behind on the
Beyonder's world. To keep from causing too much undue stress to the rest of the team,
he asked She-Hulk
to take his place. She accepted and created
a stream-lined version of the FF's latest uniform. |
Being mentally controlled by Psycho-Man,
enacted her 'revenge' on the other members
of the Fantastic Four. She concealed her identity behind a 'Malice' persona starting
in Fantastic Four #280. |
After a bout with further mutation,
Ben returned to the FF.
Although he had returned to his "normal" rocky appearance, his unease
led him to briefly utilize a full body-suit costume starting
in Fantastic Four #302. Shortly afteward, however, he returned to
his black shorts. |
In Fantastic Four #359,
took to wearing long pants and boots. |
In what some claim as another lapse into her 'Malice' persona,
donned a very
revealing version of her black uniform in Fantastic Four #371. |
After getting his face hacked up by Wolverine in Fantastic Four #374,
the Thing
once again donned a helmet to hide his looks. |
By Fantastic Four #377,
became even more self-conscious of his appearnace
and started wearing a tank top as well. |
After hiding his face for some time after being slashed by Wolverine,
removed his helmet in Fantastic Four #386. |
Gaining some of her senses back,
tempered her previous outfit with some modesty in
Fantastic Four #388. |
Although no reason was given, the Fantastic Four jointly redesigned their
costumes in the midst of Onslaught's menace, as seen in Fantastic Four #415. |
The heroes ended the Onslaught affair and were sent over to a Counter Earth by
and Sue's
son, Franklin. They relived their early adventures there and modified
some S.H.I.E.L.D. uniforms to identify themselves in Fantastic Four volume 2 #2. |
Upon returning to their home planet, the FF returned to a look reminiscent of their
original costumes in Fantastic Four volume 3 #1. |
having defeated a Celestial and deserving of punishment in said Celestial's eyes,
found himself trapped in Dr. Doom's armor at the end of Fantastic Four volume 3 #25.
Interestingly, Reed
had already found his mind trapped in Doom's body (and armor) as early
as Fantastic Four #10. |
In Fantastic Four volume 3 #27,
took to wearing a non-uniform style jumpsuit
with no explanation given. |
Although Susan's
uniform ripped in a similar fashion earlier, it wasn't until
Fantastic Four volume 3 #28 that she permanently modified her uniform shirt into a tank top. |
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