Quick Apology

By | Sunday, May 19, 2013 Leave a Comment
Just wanted to drop a quick note to apologize for the lack of blogging this weekend. As you may recall, I recently moved to the Chicago area and the S.O. and I have been house-hunting. We found a place, put in an offer that was accepted and about a week ago, they decided they didn't want to sell to us after all and walked away from the deal. So we're back to square one, with the added bonus of the lease on my short-term place ending on Tuesday and the S.O.'s ending at the end of the month.

Fortunately, a friend of the S.O. is trying to sell her place and offered to let us stay there super-cheap until it sells or we find a place of our own. (The super-cheap part is critical here, since there's no way we could afford it normally.) So this weekend was spent packing and moving my stuff, plus packing some of the S.O.'s stuff and putting it in storage. Next weekend is packing and moving the S.O. We also had a relative's graudation party to attend, and last week I had some unexpected travel come up for work.

Plus, you know, trying to look for a house still. Along with the regular day job, and various other ongoing writing gigs.

In any event, I'll try to keep blogging as much as I'm able, but please pardon me if I miss a day or two. Plenty going on right now, and there's only so much time to get it all done in! (It's not that there aren't enough hours in the day, as many claim; it's that I just need to spend too many of them asleep!)
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