Spring Into Links!

- Ryan Estrada tells us a bit of his personal history, and how he went from living The DreamTM to chasing HIS OWN dream. At the end, he decides: "I’m gonna go make some stuff. I hope you like it."
- Nikki Burch and Jim Meyer put together this comic detailing the history of the Keystone XL oil pipeline. The way the captioning works kind of hinders its effectiveness as a comic, but I'm pointing to it in large part because it's an important issue that could have a devastating impact on the environment. I mean, it sounded to me like a phenomenally bad idea even before I knew all the issues behind it!
- This is several years old now, but I just came across Rivkah's excellent notes about comic panels and pacing. It speaks most directly to manga, but the ideas are useful for all types of comics.
- Finally, Rodrigo Baeza presents us with some original art used in the 1974 San Diego Comic Con program book. Yes, that's a Jack Kirby Etrigan fighting a Russ Myers Broom-Hilda over a Charles Schulz Linus and Snoopy. Clearly, one of the best jam pages ever!
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