Another friend noted on Facebook that he's trimming his collection down, as he periodically does. This time through, he's getting rid of everything except for thirty-five books. Yes, 35. I'm not 100% certain, but I believe this culling of his collection is mostly to keep them from overtaking his living space as he's donating many of them to libraries and charities, as opposed to trying to make any money from them.
Most of my collection right now resides in a storage unit as well, but that's entirely because I needed to get them (and a bunch of other stuff) out of my house to make it more saleable. In looking for a new house, I've been very keen on making sure it has enough space for me to build a comic book library, where I can keep my collection and be able to get some work/research done in the same space. The last few years, I've had all my collection in one location, but I couldn't really get a computer workstation there as well to be able to do all my writing in the same spot. I could (and did) walk up and down through the house carrying books back and forth, but that becomes tedious, especially when I'm just looking for a specific quote or other piece of trivia.
That I've been able to keep my collection like that for years, and that I can entertain the notion of creating a library in my new house, is in part because I live in the Midwest. More specifically, I live in the suburbs of the Midwest. I suspect folks along the East coast and in major metropolitan areas don't have that luxury. It's easy to see why digital comics might be popular in those areas.

Not to mention that some books are unlikely to ever get a digital treatment. Sometimes because of rights issues (e.g. Rom and Micronauts) and sometimes just because the original creator doesn't have any interest (e.g. Mr. A).
It's important to me to have access to my collection because I refer to it a lot. The type of writing I do is inherently referal in nature, and I regularly go back to not only the comics but fanzines and biographies and other printed materials. These past several months of having my collection in storage have been difficult, and much of my research has ground to a halt. But I like my collection well enough that I don't think I'll be moving into an urban area any time soon. The Chicago burbs I can swing, but I'm not so sure I'm willing to sacrfice my collection for space reasons.
I closed down my storage locker shortly after I bought a house. Didn't need to spend that extra monthly nut anymore when I had a house to store these things in, right? Then the comics slowly took over. They're oozing out of every spare closet and around the computer and -- UGH.
I've finally in the last year accepted the fact that I don't need them all. I'm in the process now of selling 27 boxes filled with hardcovers, trade paperbacks, and other comic books with spines. It's close to 1000 books.
The sad thing is, I haven't touched the long boxes filled with monthly comics yet. That's going to be harder to pick through, I think. And that's probably more than half of what I have left now. I just wish I had more wall space open for bookcases around the house. The fun never ends.
And I can't find anything anymore. As the collection grew and become more unwieldy, order was the first casualty. I have vague ideas of where most stuff is. Maybe if I can thin it out some more, I can more easily make order of it. MAYBE.
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