The Link Keeper

By | Wednesday, October 03, 2012 Leave a Comment
  • The International French-Language Comics Conference will be held on November 2-3 this year at Miami University in Oxford, OH. The keynote speakers are ClĂ©ment Baloup, Zeina Abirached and Thierry Smolderen. Not sure if I'll be able to go, but it's (for now) really local so I'll make an effort to fit it into my schedule.
  • Little Heart is a comic anthology created to support marriage equality. It was created via a Kickstarter I supported, and they're continuing to try to raise awareness of the subject for the election next month. They have a Tumblr started now, and you should check it out.
  • Neil Cohn takes issue with a 1981 study that claimed people need at least 130 milliseconds to comprehend a typical comic panel. His own research points to more like 250 milliseconds at the bare minimum, but it could easily be north of 700. I know there aren't many people interested in hard scientific research along these lines, but I think it's fascinating that it's being conducted at all, much less that enough people are doing it to warrant a disagreement like this.
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