Projects Update

By | Monday, October 29, 2012 Leave a Comment
Many of you have asked about the status of my various comics related projects, given the whole selling-my-house-and-moving-to-Chicago thing I've got going on. Well, actually, no one's asked, but I'm going to tell you anyway.
  • Revenge of the Comic Book Ads
    Not that I really have the time to work on this as extensively as I'd like, but I threw together a new shop featuring some classic gems from the world of old comic book ads. I still dig the clip art they used for some of those karate ads. They've been running in the Cafe Press scroll bar on the right of my blog if you haven't seen them.
  • MTV Geek
    I've still got my weekly column about webcomics running over at MTV. My editor recently had a nice post celebrating MTVG's second anniversary, and she also said some very nice things about all the contributors, including me.
  • The Jack Kirby Collector
    TJKC is still going strong, as is my column there. In fact, I got a very nice note from Jim Simon (son of Joe Simon of Captain America fame) about my last piece in TJKC #59. The next issue is due out in early December. (I should probably come up with a topic to write about before then. I should probably write that column, too.)
  • Hubris
    I'm told that I will be making a cameo appearance in an upcoming installment of Greg Cravens' webcomic. I don't know exactly when, but keep your eye out for any runners that look like me on a bad day in the storyline's Great Stanky Creek/Snake Oil Outdoors Fest.
  • The Comic Book Adventures of Harry Blackstone, Magician Detective
    This has been put on hold. Again. As much as I would like to finish this (seriously, I started it well over a year ago now) it's turned out to be a much larger project than I originally anticipated. I try to keep getting back to work on a page or two here and there, but given the size that it's already grown to, I keep putting it on the back burner running under the assumption that it sell about as well as my last book. (Which, technically, I'm still in the red on.)
  • Edward Lear & the Snargetted Flartlethants of Nonsense Poetry
    This isn't really comic-related at all, but I've got a small pile of stuff relating to nonsense poetry piled up on my hard drive, and I'm in the process of throwing it together as a book. Nothing terribly revolutionary here, I don't think, but it seems a shame to let some of this just sit around collecting virtual dust. Especially since it's fairly easy to put together in a single volume. The finished piece will have an examination of nonsense poetry writ-large, a short biography of Edward Lear, and a collection of Lear's nonsense limericks with his own illustrations. This is mostly written and laid out already; I just need to put some finishing touches on the biography. I'm guessing this will be available by Thanksgiving.
  • The Ages of the Avengers
    This is more of a prospect at the moment, but I'm submitting a proposal about examining Avengers Forever for an upcoming book about Earth's mightiest heroes. The broader idea is to show how particular eras are reflected by and reflect back the culture/society in which they were originally written. I likely won't hear back on whether my piece is accepted or not until January/February.
  • Bizarro
    This one is really a long shot, but Dan Piraro accepts suggestions for his sporadic Sunday Punnies installments of Bizarro. I had (I think) a really good one about a month or so back, so keep your eyes out for a possible credit in a future comic.
  • Kleefeld on Comics
    Of course, there's the perennial blog. Always something getting posted here!
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