So, This Happened

By | Sunday, May 06, 2012 3 comments
As I've mentioned before on my blog, I was signed up for the Flying Pig marathon this weekend. I started running about a year and a half ago, and this was my first race of any kind. Not a good finish time-wise (4:52) but given how badly my knee hurt and how much sun I'd been getting in the last half of the race, I'm mostly impressed that I finished at all. Not much comic related happenings that I saw, aside from one guy on the sidelines cheering in a Flash costume, but I'm mentioning it because my brain is mostly focused on OWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW! and I doubt I'll be able to come up with anything comic related to blog about today.

Anyway, here's me a few hundred yards from the finish...
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Matt K said...

Hey, you finished a marathon!!!!

frank said...

congrats man... not a lot of people can say they finished... you should hold your head up high... while you ice down the rest of your

frank said...
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