If you're a regular reader, you'll know I was big-time Fantastic Four fan for decades. Though the FF movie was never released, I got a decent copy on VHS years ago. Despite some obvious production flaws and several plot holes in the script, I always liked the movie and thought it did a better job capturing the spirit of the FF than either the 2005 or 2007 movies. So getting Ciarfalio's autograph signed to me is kind of special.
I wanted to take a moment to publicly thank Michael D. Hamersky for setting up a contest in which I could win these (check out his blog for thoughts and discussion about the comic industry) and Ciarfalio himself for helping out with the contest and sending over these personalized gifts (check out his site for upcoming appearances at both conventions and on TV). Thanks, guys!
You are welcome, Sean!
I appreciate your 'Liking' my Facebook Fan Page, and clicking the 'Attending' button at the Facebook Event Page.
Glad you liked the Free Gifts that Carl sent you. Now I'm envious!
Michael D Hamersky
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