Can It Be? Yes, It's Wednesday Links!

By | Wednesday, November 16, 2011 Leave a Comment
  • Doc Jenkins begins talks (Part 1 of ??) with the authors of Critical Approaches to Comics "on some core issues surrounding the current state and future directions of the academic study of comics."
  • Botgirl Questi has a new post about why she quit Klout. Also included (and why I'm linking to it here) is one of her sporadic comics.
  • Care2 has a piece about Triangle Rose, allegedly the first comic book about the gay experience of the Holocaust. As far as I can tell, the book is only available in French right now (creators Michel Dufranne, Milorad Vicanovic-Maza and Christian Lerolle are French, after all) but it sounds like it would be a powerful read. Even if it doesn't get translated into English for an American audience, I expect it will open the doors a bit for more of this type of story to be told. (Hat tip to the S.O. for the link.)
  • Neil Cohen has another one of his online surveys up examining how easy/difficult it is to read comic strip sequences. Plus you get the opportunity to win a $50 gift card just by participating!
  • Mike Towry writes about starting a "new 'old school' comic convention in San Diego" in 2012.
  • Finally, offered without comment: Lindsay Lohan lands role in comic strip.
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