If It Be Wednesday, This Must Be... LINKS!

By | Wednesday, August 31, 2011 1 comment
  • Over at the Byrne Robotics forum, John Byrne posted a recently completed commission representing his "Silver Age" -- that is the characters he read about when he first started getting hooked on comics. It's a very cool piece with many nice, little touches throughout.
  • The Delaware County News Network dug up this 1955 local interest story about how the PTA was launching a campaign against "objectionable" comics sold in the area. The specific titles/issues aren't named but one has to presume they were mostly the EC books that were popularly derided at the time.
  • The Center for Asian American Media held a special "Race and Immigrant Experience in Comic Books" panel at their 29th International Asian American Film Festival back in March. Panelists included Hellen Jo, Greg Pak and Gene Yang. More recently, they posted video of the event. (Hat tip to the S.O. for pointing this one out!)
  • As of this afternoon, CNN now has an official attempt at covering "nerdy topics and the nerd community, focusing on why these things matter in today's world" called Geek Out! I'm skeptical that they'll do any better than any of the other pop culture sites that are already tackling that area, but they might be able to throw some money at it. We'll see.
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Matt K said...

Bah! Mainstream "legitimacy" has ruined nerditry.