Look at that Savage Dragon cover at the right. It's from a couple years ago, and is clearly meant to evoke the imagery from the first issue of Captain America Comics #1 where Cap makes his publication debut by whacking Adolf Hitler on the jaw. A full year before the U.S. entered World War II.

Which isn't to say that I support anything they did. I'm just saying that our media hype machine was so forceful that there was nothing either of them did that wasn't portrayed as absolute evil. There's scarcely an attempt to even understand what their thinking was; they did what they did because they were evil. Two-dimensional villains who committed abominable acts for their own sake. Who or what they actually were is irrelevant; they were the living embodiment of everything bad in the universe as far as we're concerned.
For those of you old enough to have lived through and remember the Cold War, the United States' biggest enemy was the Soviet Union. Why? They were Communists and our government told us that they were bad and trying to take over our country. Not that there was an actual plot or anything, but they were sold to us as a dangerous boogyman that we needed to be fearful of. It was an image that was so engrained in our collective psyche that our pop culture of the time is littered with references to the Soviets being bad guys. Just within comics' sphere, we've got everything from Superman IV to American Flagg! to all the Soviet Super-Soldiers appearances throughout Marvel's entire comics line.
Most Americans have never been to the U.S.S.R. or Russia. Most haven't even met someone from there. Collectively, we relied on the government and our culture at large to tell us who were our enemies. That gave us something to fight against. Nazis were an easy go-to villain in the 1940s because everyone hated them, and Russians made for a decent go-to villain during the Cold War for the same reason. The hatred was a little less intense, of course, since they weren't, you know, slaughtering whole cities full of people, but "Better Dead than Red!" was a common-enough battle cry that you could pretty easily rally Americans behind.
Such is the role bin Laden has played in recent years. He's been America's Bad GuyTM despite no one having actually seen him for the better part of a decade. He's a man so inherently evil that he even didn't deserve a trial (much less a fair one) in the same way Saddam Hussein did. He's a man so inherently evil that the government didn't even bother to TRY to claim that he took his own life rather than potentially get captured by Americans. He's a man so inherently evil that the only place he could hide would be a remote cave in the mountains.
Again, I don't condone anything bin Laden said or did. I don't know what effects his death will have on al-Qaida. But I do know that this isn't a comic book villain we're talking about. Which, on the plus side, means he won't be advocating America's destruction any longer but, on the down side, means that there will almost certainly be consequences of some sort. The "Mission Accomplished" banner was premature in 2003, and I think it's be premature in 2011.
Just something to think about if/when you find yourself in a crowd of people chanting, "USA! USA! USA!"
Last night I also found myself reflecting on how much Bin Laden is cast as some sort of super villain.
"Semi-Obligatory Thoughts On..."
Not here, too!?!
In the word of Charlie Brown:
Your thoughts are very misguided. Even with your half attempts at acknowledging that Bin Laden was evil fall far short of the real truth. Why does it make a difference if he has been hiding for a decade? Does that erase his decision to murder 3000 innocent people? How about all his other involvements in terrorism in the past 20 years?
Oh let me guess, thats all propaganda from our government.
Man, you sell the American people so short. We know fully well when facts are facts. Like that fact the the Soviets were not just people with a different ideology then us. Stalin and the like were full blooded killers. They had no tolerance for dissension and would have loved the chance to do the same to the rest of the world.
So while you are musing about the sad and tragic case of Osama bin Laden and his lack of a fair trial,the rest of us will rest somewhat easier knowing that at least one evil sob is dead!
@PM - What I do find interesting in the comparison with Hitler, though, was how much MORE prominent Hitler was as an actual figure in pop culture. Captain America, Superman, etc. all faced off against him PERSONALLY, whereas bin Laden gets name-dropped occasionally, but he's rarely actually been seen.
@Matt - First, let me refer back to the part of the title that says "semi-obligatory". :) Second, I wanted to make at least a small attempt to counter the rabid and blind jingoism that has largely been permeating the "discussion" since the President's announcement.
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