Link Day Wednesday

By | Wednesday, May 18, 2011 1 comment
  • Marilee Vergati reports for the Dallas Examainer on Todd Kent's award-winning documentary Comic Book Literacy. I have yet to hear of screening I could get to, but the next one evidently is May 28, 2011 at Comicpalooza, in Houston, Texas. Check it out if you're in the area.
  • Scientists have found a link suggesting that simply looking at art stimulates the pleasure centers of the brain. While comics aren't specifically mentioned, it stands to reason that the same effect would apply to them. While any individual panel or page may not be rendered in the same way classical art is, they do have volume on their side so the lessened impact of any individual drawing might be made up for by the number of panels/pages per comic. But that's just my casual extrapolation.
  • Recently found: The Medieval Comics Project. An "ongoing effort conducted by a small (but dedicated) group of comics scholars, Arthurian enthusiasts, and medievalists to compile a comprehensive listing of the representations of the medieval in the comics medium." I did not know such a group existed.
  • Matt Kuhns received and is impressed by Alan Moore's unfinished Big Numbers.
  • Finally, "Tokyo Marriage Agency to Start Service for Otaku." I have no words.
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