First, Matt Kuhns gives me a shout-out in his Fantastic Four series timeline. It's a cool infographic showing the publication history of many of the main FF titles over the years. I'm reproducing it below, but Matt's got a larger version at his blog and promises more details on its development later. (The name-check here is that he gives me credit for my Fantasti-Font.)

Next, I noted last week that The History of the Universe as Told by Wonder Woman had started a Kickstarter campaign. In the past week, they've managed to receive pledges for over half of the funds they're looking for and, as a thank you, created this quick video credits piece for their current backers. I'm third in the list so you don't have to sit through the whole thing if you just want to see my name. More importantly, though, it gives me another chance to highlight their work in fund-raising and plug their film again. Go check it out!

So to Matt, Kristy and Kelcey, thanks much for the acknowledgments. To everyone else, go check out those two projects!
Sweet, dude. And FWIW I should note that you were more help on the FF project than "merely" creator of the Fantasti-Font. I was able to include and clarify details of a number of items with your able assistance. Definitely worth a name-check.
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