More than just being a comic creator, though, Ormes was active in the civil rights community. She wasn't an activist in the same sense that Martin Luther King, Jr. was or, for that matter, anyone whose names typically show up in civil rights histories. But through her comics, she always provided strong, black female protagonists and frequently depicted social injustices in her storylines. Often in complex ways. Some of her later

Nancy Goldstein's 2008 biography of Ormes is well worth a read. I could quibble a bit with some of the art (not Ormes' work; some of the scanning seems to be at far too low a resolution) and it's not organized how I would ideally like to see it, but it's a very solid piece of work and does a good job representing a largely ignored, but incredibly talented, comic creator.
I'm pretty sure Ormes wasn't out to change the world with her comics. She seemed to just do her thing, and people appreciated it. She just had things she wanted to say and used her comics as an outlet for them. She didn't care what conventional wisdom said -- that black comic characters had to fit to a specific stereotype or were only saleable to a minority of the population -- but she went out and just did what she thought was right. If she was a leader, it was largely by example. I have a huge amount of respect for that.
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