Speaking of Blue Beetle, Shocker Toys has released their first promotional image of their Dan Garrett action figure...

Raina Telgemeier notes that Smile is "out of stock pretty much everywhere" but adds that a second printing should be hitting stores soon.
Tokyopop is going to spend this summer looking for America's Greatest Otaku. Having a noted interest in comic fandom, I'm curious what they'll be looking for to qualify as a great otaku. The rules state that you have to include a five minute video touting why you are, but they're noticeably ambiguous about how they might be judging your 'qualifications.' I suppose that's so they don't have to define otaku too rigidly, and can see how the actual entrants define it.
Finally, Ray Wall sends notice that he's posted an excerpt of his latest superhero song: "Iron Man Movie Star." It's available to preview on his MySpace site.
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