Never fear! We have other free FCBD offers available for you!
First, I'll point to some free PDF downloads of various TwoMorrows magazines. Those are up all the time, I believe, but TwoMorrows often has some extra deals on FCBD as well. (Though I haven't heard anything specific for this year as of yet.)
Next, I'll point to some free PDF downloads from Lone Star Press available through Wowio. They have the first issues of SideChicks, Heroic Tales, Force Seven, Ex Parte and Ace of Diamonds available through the weekend.

Finally (at least as far as I know) you can get a free pulped wood copy of Hogan's Alley by sending an email ON MAY FIRST to hoganmag AT gmail DOT com. They emphasize that it has to be on Free Comic Book Day itself and that "Before and after that date, any requests for freebies will receive only scorn and derision."
UPDATE: I knew I was forgetting something else I'd seen. Jabberwacky will also be available as a free PDF download from Wide Awake Press on May 1.
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