The Animated Don Martin

By | Monday, December 28, 2009 1 comment
In 1986, Gerhard Hahn's Deutsche Zeichentrick Erste Produktions GmbH & Co. KG. produced an animated feature called Don Martin Does It Again. It was based off many of Martin's old comic strips and, from what I've seen, are pretty faithful executions of same. Sounds like a brilliant idea! Somehow, though, the pacing and onomatopoeia make the originals funnier to me. See for youself...

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Anonymous said...

the animated film you mention was a half hour version of one of don's long stories
that can be found in his wholly owned pocketbooks. don worked on this project extensively and the film won an award--there were problems of the usual kind between the parties. it was shown on tv in Europe--but never released in the u.s. I may make some changes to the content and get it on the internet some day. mrs. don martin