Bank Problems; Wouldn't Mind Some Assistance

By | Thursday, October 15, 2009 4 comments
I just deleted a rambling, curse-filled post about how much banks are pissing me off these days. I decided that it'd be better for me in the long run if I didn't throw that kind of vitriol online for the world to see. So let me try to sum up my situation with two pieces of advice...

1) Never get a mortgage from Chase Manhattan. They have gone out of their way to make the loan assumption process literally impossible. Seriously, how do you "lose" one side of a two-sided sheet of paper? And forget to tell anyone until all the deadlines have expired? And then lose the same sheet of paper again after I've sent it for a fourth time? I've been fighting with them on this for the past 18 months! Although I can't prove that everything they've done has been deliberate, it's clear to me that they're acting illegally in order to ensure I can't assume the mortgage on my house. Even though I still have to make the mortgage payments to stay in it.

2) Never get a loan from Bank of America. The loan I had to take out to pay off my ex-wife from our divorce settlement switched (without my consent!) from a fixed rate to a variable rate, tied to the prime. While the initial variable is on par with my fixed, they neglect to mention anywhere that the prime rate is currently zero and has nowhere to go but up. Which means that the $700+ I pay towards this loan every month is going to turn into $800+ and $900+ and...

Since playing by the rules CLEARLY isn't working, let me ask that if anyone out there happens to work for either of those institutions and can pull any strings for me, I would be greatly appreciative.

Thank you.
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Matt K said...

Amen brother.

If I had a cousin Vito I'd call him, fix this whole thing right up for you.

Good luck in any event! Don't let them win.

Appreciate the sentiment. At this point, though, I'd be happy with an Aunt Matilda and her rolling pin!

My dad's made the comparison between life and a game of Snakes & Ladders: sometimes you just land on a square that sets you way back, and sometimes you land on a square that shoots you far ahead. Lightning striking my car was one of those snakes. This, though, is like playing Snakes & Ladders and then they suddenly pull the board out and replace it with Backgammon, but I'm still left with a stupid little pawn thing from Snakes & Ladders. How do you not let someone else win when they keep changing the rules on you?

Anonymous said...

You don't play the game to begin with...

Anonymous said...

I think it is more important to reviews the causes why bank face these problem than blaming, because that evil things had been done, but we should try that it will never happen again in future.
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