The focus of the cover, of course, is Rose.
Rose. Rose is a friend Gene Ha who he's modeled his version of Power Girl after. As I understand it, she's actually a comic fan herself and "wise beyond her years." I am also to understand that, yes, she really does look like that but that's about where the similarities end.
How do I know this? Well, apparently, Rose is also friends with a guy named Pat. Pat and his partner live in Chicago with their three cats and two turtles and an apartment full of Dr. Who and Godzilla and other pop culture icons. Pat works in IT.
How do I know Pat? Pat is friends with my S.O. I've met him a couple times, and he's a good guy.
Me > S.O. > Pat > Rose > Gene Ha > Power Girl
I wonder if she could get me Green Arrow's autograph?
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