So, here I am catching up and I find that the following comic has been announced...

I actually have several problems with this, and about the only way it could bother me more is if they offered a foil-stamped, holographic, die-cut cover variant.
Problem 1) As much as I'm not keen on throwing the President's image in/on comics in a cheap attempt to boost sales, there's at least a modicum of useful material to work with. After all, he's been around for a few decades and has a life story which is actually pretty interesting. But the dog? He's seven months old! Granted, he's had an interesting life for a seven-month-old canine, but I can't imagine any comic story about him at this point NOT being largely fabricated and/or obnoxiously decompressed. My point is that I don't know that there's anything there beyond the dog's name. Malia and Sasha would have been much more interesting/useful/insightful/cute subjects.
Problem 2) "Puppy Power." Really? You want to try to make a positive association with the most annoying cartoon character ever made for what was an otherwise decent show? They made him a villain in the Scooby-Doo movie for a reason. Whoever decided adding "Puppy Power" to the cover here needs to be shot.
Problem 3) The name Bo Obama, when written across the front of a comic like that in all caps does seem to spell "Boobama." I can almost guarantee that at least some people will buy the book specifically for that reason.
Bluewater Productions, I quit you.
Re #1...
Bo Obama: the First 100 Days: Observations from America's Puppy-in-Chief
The Obama/ White House Dog Picture Book
First Dog: Sasha and Malia Pick Their Pet
Bo, America's Commander in Leash
Bo Obama: First Dog of the United States of America
and so on...
#2) Agreed. "Presidential Pets" would have been better.
#3) Website is already parked. Suggestions when searched:
breast augmentation, booty calls, milfs, trannies. One wonders how internet filters like Netnanny will handle this.
He has a Twitter feed. (Does he have a press secretary?)
Always google names before using. "Boo boo bama" is urban slang.
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