Of course, in catching up with them, I got to rave about my girlfriend. But, in trying to answer the obvious question of how we met, I had to step back a few paces. They hadn't heard of eHarmony and, for that matter, had never actually been online. And trying to explain Second Life (where we sometimes date) to them was completely impossible! Which got me thinking about just how much has changed since they got married.
I went ahead and scrounged up comic book covers that likely would have been on newsstands around the time of their wedding. Comics were all dated several months in advance of when they were actually on sale, so most of these have July and August cover dates...

Despite a bit of emphasis on Westerns, there are actually a wide number of genres represented in good quantities. There are several cartoons, superheroes, science fiction, horror, war, romance... There are licensed properties and original ones. There really is a little something for everyone.
I might point out that this list includes the debut issue of Joe Simon and Jack Kirby's The Adventures of the Fly. There's also plenty of great artwork by the likes of Ross Andru, Gil Kane, Irving Novick (love that cover to Star Spangled War Stories), Carmine Infantino and Joe Maneely. I want to say the Wonder Woman cover has been swiped/borrowed/honored on a few different occasions, but I can't seem to find any offhand. I'll also point out, too, that the Flash had only JUST gotten his own title two issues before the one shown here, picking up the numbering from the Golden Age version.
Also, Millie the Model is a complete moron, judging by her dialogue here.
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