A book collector is someone who buys original printings, leather-bound editions and otherwise rare books. Someone who buys books to read them, and then just never gets rid of them, is just an avid book reader, not a collector.
Busiek made the same distinction in comics. He was interested in the stories and read comics, but he didn't actively go around looking to buy a copy of Amazing Spider-Man #1 -- he was quite content to read the issue in one of its many reprinted forms.
While it was similar a value judgment I had made back in my early 20s, it was the first real articulation of differentiation in terminology. The collector mindset I had when I was a teenager -- when I was making an active attempt to get a complete run of Fantastic Four -- had changed while I was in college to the realization that I was more interested in the stories about the FF than I was in the actual comics they were originally printed in. The point was really driven home for me when I graduated and my parents got me, as a graduation gift, an original copy of Fantastic Four #1. I was very touched and appreciative, naturally, but I felt a little awkward in that I had no real reason to remove the issue from its mylar housing -- I'd already seen the contents a thousand times before.

But today, in the 21st century, we've got a great many more options available. The wealth of the reprint market is staggering compared to even a decade ago -- you can buy old Captain Atom reprints, for Pete's sake! How many people even knew the character existed before 2004? Not to mention the digital options that have become available, thanks to the ever-increasing speed of computers and internet connections.
My point is that I don't need to be a collector any longer. There's been a clear and successful distinction between content and its delivery mechanisms. I can focus my resources on the content, which is what interests me, and ignore the delivery system that collectors follow. (Not that there's anything inherently wrong with being a collector, mind you! If someone actively wants to own first print run copies of whatever comics they like, more power to them. I'm just not one of those people.)
So, let me ask you: are you a comic book collector or an avid reader who just doesn't get rid of his reading material?
>> If I wanted to read Fantastic Four #24, my only option was to get my hands on an original printing of that issue. It wasn't reprinted at all until 2001, and then only in black and white.>>
Just to nit-pick -- prior to 2001, FF #24 was reprinted in:
• MARVEL COLLECTOR'S ITEM CLASSICS #18, in 1968 (which was quite some time back but would have been cheaper than the original issue),
• MARVEL MASTERWORKS vol. 13, in 1990.
But yeah, there's a 22-year gap in availability in there. To someone like me, who started reading comics regularly in 1972, it wasn't exactly easily accessible -- I think I first read it by borrowing comics from a friend.
I've always been a reader. I've always enjoyed the content more than the objects, but I did have a spell selling and buying to sell. I soon got sick of that. I even had two slabbed comics - it took just two to cure me of that sad trend.
Actually, I pretty much consider myself an accumulator.
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