I was actually up visiting with the S.O. for the holiday. That included meeting her parents for the first time, and a Rockwellian Thanksgiving spread prepared by two of her aunts. I was even given the honor of carving the turkey. That plus, you know, spending an extended weekend with my L.D.S.O., I think it's safe to chalk that up in the "win" column. I hope everyone's holiday (well... those of you in the U.S. who celebrate Thanksgiving) went at least as well as mine.
But, you're here for comic bookery! I don't have much, since I've been out of the comic loop since Wednesday afternoon, so I'll just drop a few house-cleaning type notes before we get rolling into December.
ITEM: Back in October, I reviewed Sam Costello's Split Lip stories. He and I conversed a bit via email afterwards, as he was genuinely interested in my criticisms and seeking to improve his craft. I don't claim to be the end-all-be-all comic critic by any means, but I'm impressed by any artist who's willing to seek out criticisms as a means to move their craft forward. My initial review was indeed written in part because he was soliciting critiques via a contest on his site. A contest which, I might add, was won by yours truly, and whose prize package was delivered over the holiday.

Thanks, Sam! Very much appreciated; I'm looking forward to reading them.
Everyone else, check out Split Lip if you haven't already.
ITEM: I got the chance to preview a story proposal by High Moon creator David Gallaher, which I believe he's sending off to Marvel tomorrow. Obviously, I can't speak to its specific contents, but I did rather enjoy it and hope Marvel sees fit to publish it. I won't say it's as good as High Moon, but Steve Ellis hasn't drawn it yet!
ITEM: I finally finished reading the entirety of the original American Flagg pamphlet comics (both series and the special) I got from my father several months ago. I'll be posting a more in-depth review later this week.
Regular blogging should return tomorrow.
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