HIGH MOON One-Year Giveaway
To celebrate the one year anniversary of HIGH MOON on October 30 and the awesomeness of HALLOWEEN, our posse is staging a goodie giveway. If you dress up as any character from HIGH MOON and send us the picture, and we'll send some tricks and treats your way, including some productions notes, script samples, signed zuda samplers, and an original sketch.
Dress as Jeb, Conroy, Tara, Mac, Tristan, a werebat or a Steam Engine Golem ... its up to you.
This is not a contest. Just dress up as one of the characters and send us a picture. That's all you have to do. It's that simple. The goodie giveway expires on 10/31/08.
Who I'd like to dress up as (because it's a kick-ass character design)...

Who I'm likely to dress up as (because it's what my costuming abilities can realistically handle)...

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