The 1,2,3 Meme

By | Wednesday, March 05, 2008 1 comment
I picked this meme up from Henry Jenkins...
  1. Look up page 123 in the nearest book
  2. Look for the fifth sentence
  3. Then post the three sentences that follow that fifth sentence on page 123.

With that, the nearest book to me at the moment is Comics & Culture: Analytical and Theoretical Approaches to Comics. The sentences in question are from "the good duck artist" Carl Barks, corresponding with Donald Ault:
I admit, though, that after years have passed and my original "vision" has faded from my memory, I see my paintings and drawings much as you do -- as being exactly like I must have intended them to be.

What did I imagine my characters were doing between the panels? For the first time I realize how deep and complex the creating of comic book stories really is.

The next nearest book is Jumpstart Your Marketing Brain by Doug Hall...
Focus your advertising message on providing relevant yet unexpected news about your brand. Mindless humor, video gimmicks, outrageous shock, and esoteric philosophy is for Hollywood movies, not capitalist advertising.

Great advertising is easy.

The overall messages here (at least as I see it)? If you remain true to yourself and your convictions, you and your work will be respected and live on. The seemingly most simple work is often the deepest, most complex, and most profound. Keep It Simple, Stupid.

Of course, now I want to see this bad boy of a meme tackled by Jim Roeg, David Gallaher, Richard Bensam, and (of course) anybody else who wants to give this a shot.
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Damn, now I need to find a book that has more than 22 pages