But while both sides have some valid points, they're both completely missing some extremely fundamental issues.
Let's start with a technology lesson. Monitors of all sorts work in the same basic way: a beam of light is transmitted onto a plane of glass. Televisions and old CRTs use a single beam that shoots an imperceptably brief pulse to each spot on the screen over and over again, changing its color as needed. LCD monitors have what are essentially a series of miniature light bulbs that cover an entire screen's surface and are lit up as needed with the correct color. (For technical experts out there, yes, I fully realize I'm way over-simplifying this.) In either case, each portion of your screen is lit up by a pinpoint of light.

Why does this matter to our discussion? Well, it matters because the average human eyeball can discern resolutions up to around 360 dots per inch. (Typically measured at a normal reading distance. Obviously, if you press your nose up against something, you're going to see finer details.) Ink jet printers print at around 300 dpi, and commericial personal laser printers tend to max out around 600. That means that you can't see about a third of the detail that's possible from a laser printer, and you'd have to look pretty closely at an ink jet image to start seeing the individual specs of ink. But that also means you can see about three times more clearly than what's presented to you on a computer screen.
Now we get to the point that most people miss in the online/print comics debate. If you're looking at a printed comic, it's probably run between 300-600 dpi. Your eyes are going to absorb as much detail as they can. If you're looking at a web comic, it's being presented at 100 dpi and your brain has to fill in the 200 or so extra pixels for every inch of the screen to complete the image. You're literally having to connect the dots to make a series of small squares into a recognizable shape, like a hand or a word. This is an extension of the notion of "closure" Scott McCloud talked about in Understanding Comics. You have to fill in the spaces left by the source. In the case of a printed comics, it's just the actions that happen "in the gutters." In the case of web comics, it's that plus the thousands upon thousands individual pixels needed to complete each image.
Think about it like this. If you look at a connect-the-dots image, you generally can't tell what the image is supposed to be. Your brain has to work to mentally connect those dots into an outline that's recognizable to you. The more dots you're given to start with, the easier it is to tell what the image is of. The fewer dots, the more abstract it looks, and the harder your brain has to work to make it into something understandable.
Scientific studies (by Jakob Nielsen, no less!) have been done that prove people read text off a screen 25% slower than off a sheet of paper. That extra time is what is taken up by your brain piecing together all those pixels into letters. Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) was identified as legitimate ongoing problem for people who spend more than two hours of their day looking at computer screens. Put simply, looking at a screen is harder on your eyes than looking at a sheet of paper.
So what?
So that means short-form comic strips are going be inherently easier to read online than longer-form comic books. (I'm not even going to start to address how the "traditional" comic strip format is also better suited to monitors than the "traditional" comic book format. That's another blog entry.) Readers, because of the eye strain, want to get in, read your piece, and get out. If they spend too much time reading in one place, their eyes are going to start to tire and dry out, making them physically uncomfortable, detracting from whatever possible enjoyment they might otherwise get out of the comic they're reading online.
You can forget portability, compatibility, usability, economics, and pretty much any other argument for either side until computer screen manufacturers start producing affordable, high-resolution monitors and a significant number of people start adopting them. The technology is there -- that's what HDTVs are after all -- but you still need to bring them down in price enough for people to start using them with their desktops and cellphones. Alternatively, you could theoretically convince people to start running their computer systems through their televisions, accessing the system with wireless input devices, but I personally think that's a steeper hill to climb.
Tomorrow, I'll see if I can address some of the other technological aspects of online versus print comics that no one else seems to have touched on yet.
Not only are there tech aspects of the online experience, there are also "tech" aspects of the human doing the reading.
I have nystagmus. That means the images move as I see them due to my eye movements not being in proper sync. Pixels move more for me than print on a page. When I view the eye chart, the images move a lot, akin to the computer screen at times. Reading numbers for ex, off a screen, is tough for me because 5s and 6s often look alike, as do 0s and 8s. Sometimes, I enlarge the image if possible, but usually, I just get closer. I rarely have this problem with print.
Otherwise, I read fine off a screen, for a while. I can read a lot longer from print. I know I blink less when I'm at the computer and I seem to recall studies that mentioned this. I do get dry eye after a half hour or so of computer use and I rarely if ever get it from reading comics or books.
I have a widescreen monitor. On so many sites, I have to move my head to read everything (which is still better than horizontal scrolling) and I never have to do that with print. I can more easily flip and back and reread something in a book/comic (which I do often) than online.
My eyes do get tired from reading print, but it takes hours longer than from a computer screen.
I read only a few comics online. Some are newspaper strips my paper no longer carries and the rest are designed similarly, from one to three panels. I really can't imagine myself reading comic books on a screen.
I'm middle-aged. My vision is good, but I'm not getting younger. Then, again, I'm not the generation these things are being designed for and I don't see that changing anytime, soon.
There's also the issue of whether readers will be able to "keep" what they read online or if it will always be accessible as one's collection of print comics and books are unless we choose to toss them.
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