I was pleased to see, this morning, a
decent-sized article about Free Comic Book Day in today's
Cincinati Enquirer. It took up fully one half of the front page of the business section and included the photo at the left, as well as six covers of FCBD books. If you follow that link, you'll also see several of the side-bars that accompanied the article as well, including a list of comic book shops in the area! And, to top it all off, I don't believe any of the information they gave is inaccurate!
Side note of kudos to Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott who reference the Silver Surfer in today's comic strip, Baby Blues.
Hey, Sean- comments didn't seem to be enabled for the FCBD roundup post, so I'm responding here to let you know that it's Bowling Green, Kentucky, not Ohio.
Thanks for the link!
Thanks for the heads-up, JB. I've got it corrected on my roundup post.
Judging from your time-stamp, I think I may have actually been updating the post with a couple more links around that time, which would explain why you couldn't respond to that right off.
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