Technically, I didn't see this one on the shelf of my local shop this week, but the sales copy looks interesting: "Brazen robots! Hostile corporate takeovers! Ill-fated interns! Criminally insane turnips! Distinctly unhelpful helper monkeys! And hats, dear God, hats aplenty! All this and more await any brave soul ready and willing to enlist in the ranks of the Mighty Skullboy Army! How do you sign up, you ask? Just purchase this book, absorb its nefarious bounty (we recommend using the eyes-to-brain method), and say hello to your new lord and master, Skullboy! If he's not home from elementary school yet, be sure to pick up a handy pager. You will be called upon when needed. Oh, and be sure to beef up on that health insurance. Get ready to wreak havoc on an unsuspecting world with Dark Horse's New Recruits winner Jacob Chabot's hilarious creation, The Mighty Skullboy Army!"
How can you go wrong "distinctly unhelpful helper monkeys"?
Well, from a story perspective. Obviously, if you were actually relying on "distinctly unhelpful helper monkeys" to accomplish something, they would, by definition, work against what you were trying to do. In any event, I'll have to keep my eye out for it next time I'm at the bookstore.
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