"But, wait! I think Mr. Punch is English, and that doesn't work with my notion of putting a wordly spin on things. Let me do some research..."
As it turns out, Mr. Punch is actually derived from the Pulcinella, a 17th century Italian character who's attitude isn't dissimilar to Punch's! Though you may not know the character by name, I suspect many of you have seen the chap before...

Holy cow! He's got a devilish looking mask already, which would also serve to hide his real identity perfectly! Plus, the large flowing costume could easily hide a person's frame, so the character could be fat or thin, man or woman... Or, better yet, the Pulcinella could be a series of people dressed up in the same manner!
I tell ya, this thing is writing itself! A little research evidently goes a LONG way!
(STILL searching for an artist, though!)
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