I got my food before the song ended (one of the great things about Genesis songs is that they tend to run considerably longer than your average 3-minute pop tune) and I went back to my car, and threw in a Genesis CD. A much later recording of one of their live performances, but with some older material on it. I cue up "Domino" and listen as World War III erupts and kills untold numbers of people. Great song, but really bleak.

I know I must have been profoundly impacted. I can clearly recall, in my high school Freshman English class, getting up in front of the class and presenting my ideas on why the school lessons we were taught were largely worthless. I argued that we would all be much better off learning survival skills because America and Russia were going to blow each other up and we were going to have to fend for ourselves in a smoldering wasteland.
So here I am, twenty-some years later, a skeptic and a cynic. It's easy to say that I'm a product of what I was fed as a child, but in all honesty I don't entirely hold to that. I'm of the belief that there was something of a cynic in me already that let me gravitate towards the dystopian fictions. I use the phrase "I Blame the British" because it's a catchy title, but I can't honestly blame anyone but myself for my cynicism.
Back to my epihany, though. My cynicsm and skeptism aren't new, like I used to think. I used to believe that the world's gotten crappier since I've been on it, and that watching it decay around me prompted my negativity. Not so. I've apparently always been a rat bastard.
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