Quesada's appearance was largely... well.. uneventful as far as I was concerned. He basically spoke about Marvel's current Civil War, and Colbert displayed some of his typical ineptitude about America and freedom. Quesada got in a couple of snarky comments, but wasn't really able to keep up with Colbert's rapid-fire cracks.
What struck me was that Quesada's appearance was largely a promotional tour. The difference between this and the other appearances I've seen of Quesada on other TV shows over the past few years was that his previous appearances seemed to be at the request of the show in question, responding to a news item of some sort. I recall his being called in to several shows when Red, White and Black came out to talk about how there was an African-American Captain America, not to mention the circuit he ran after 9-11. But here, it seemed as if Quesada was on the show soley because his agent (or perhaps Marvel's PR department) made some phone calls so that they could promote Civil War.
That's not meant as a complaint, mind you. Just an observation that Marvel just might getting the idea of how to play the marketing game at a national level.
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