But you know, The Phantom is a great concept. You've got this adventurer-type character with a built-in longevity factor. Built-in mystery and intrigue. If you need to update it for different mediums and even genres. It's just a great concept that, I think, has languished WAY too much in the past several decades. Sure, there've been a few attempts to revive the character and he's actually got a decent comic book out now. There was the cartoon about a decade ago or so that I thought was pretty decent, but it got shafted by the network from the get-go.
To my understanding, the Phantom has actually had a fair amount of continued success OUTSIDE the United States. Why am I not surprised? Yet another great quality fiction created outside the U.S. with no real support within the United States.
* sigh *
I'm not sure which is more depressing -- that many of the great concepts I like and appreciate are generated outside the U.S. or that my so-called countrymen dismiss the concept because it's foreign.
I've loved the Phantom since I was a kid in the 50s and read his adventures every day in the paper. If you go to E Bay and search Phantom comics you'll find Australian comics that number in the high 3 digits if they haven't hit 1000 by now. For a good Phantom 'movie' find the 40s serial. Yes, the Phantom is a sadly neglected American creation as are so many other comic strip characters of the past.
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